The loboe project

new works for the extended-range oboe
The Loboe Project was founded by Alison Lowell in 2009 in order to commission original works and transcriptions for the extended-range oboe and to promote contemporary oboe music. The "Loboe" extends to A3 and opens up an exciting new world of compositional possibilities.
As a recipient of the "Investing in Artists" grant from the Center for Cultural Innovation in California, Alison has since performed many new works written specifically for her and has collaborated with composers around the world.
What you can do with a "Low-A" oboe?

Mon âme fut à sa merci
by Alexandra Fol
Commissioned by the Loboe Project for Loboe and Piano
New Works and Transcriptions by:
Paul Coleman
Alexandra Fol
Cameron Harris
Ljiljana Jovanović
Hannah Lash
Clare Loveday
David Plylar
Damjan Rakonjac
Devon Tipp
Recent Perfomances Include:
International Double Reed Society Conference (Tokyo)
Interferrance New Music Collective Series (D.C.)
University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)
Unyazi Electronic Music Festival (South Africa)
Constellation (Chicago)